Monday, February 26, 2024

WFRP 4e House Rules: Reaction Rolls


This is my third attempt at coming up with a system for reaction rolls. I don't quite remember why I didn't like the first two, maybe because I was prone to ignoring the result  when it didn't fit or because I'd been inspired by reading some new OSR rule set or issue of Knock!  rather than by the needs of the game itself.

The first system was the classic 2d6 table from B/X D&D, the second mapped the same spread of results onto playing cards (when I first got mad into using cards for everything). I think in these instances I was mostly using them for Innkeepers and merchants of one sort or another, at one point I even came up with a 'what am I thinking right now table' as a more useful prompt for playing out a situation, which I also generally ignored whenever I actually remembered to roll on it.

This current version was provoked by the game. The Power Behind the Throne is a social investigation adventure, it is all about talking to people. I felt I needed some 'objective', random way of setting the mood of NPCs when they were encountered so that not everybody would be too stingy or generous with information. A critical difference from my previous attempts is that this is player facing, in fact I get the players to roll the actual dice, with the addition that they can spend Luck to re-roll. Twice this has resulted in one player character turning on his heel and walking away in the face of a bad (then worse) outcome, which is not ideal but I would contend that a strong enough approach could overcome a bad roll, and success in such circumstances would net more XP from the encounter. 

I am still not 100% happy with this, having fun locked away behind bad dice rolls never feels great.

the old, never really used table...

What am I thinking?

1. Feels poorly, is coughing
2. Thinks the last customer might  have shortchanged them
3. Laughing at something they just witnessed
4. Really hungry and needs a break
5. Realized they've made more money  today than yesterday
6. Someone they dislike was just here, possibly still are
7. Just remembered a strange dream they had this morning
8. Is tired and just wants to sit down
9. Happy that their next break is imminent
10. Is worried about something they forgot to do earlier
11. You remind them of someone
12. Just saw someone they fancy, is flustered
13. Just saw someone they fancy, is distracted by them
14. Is angry with boss or employee
15. Feels harassed
16. Is bored, desperate for novelty
17. Is feeling mischievous
18. Is worried about money
19. Just heard something they want to pass on, rumour or joke
20. Is thinking about quitting

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